HVAC Ductwork: Three Crucial Tips for Planning for Custom Fabrication

The construction of commercial and industrial ducting will influence the performance, safety and longevity of heating, ventilation and air conditioning appliances. Therefore, if you are planning on installing new ductwork in your building, you should think about the custom fabrication of the elements. This form of manufacturing is favourable for ductwork because the elements will match the needs of your premises perfectly. Matching the ducting to your precise needs will improve the efficiency and overall performance of your HVAC systems. [Read More]

Trench Rammer Buying Guide for Rookies

Does your list of construction equipment include a trench rammer? If not, you may want to reconsider. Indeed, your construction project will involve extensive excavation to pave the way for the incoming structure. A trench rammer is a tool you need to compact the excavated trench sections to create a firm foundation for your structure. The most effective use of a trench rammer is the compaction of cohesive soil particles because of the rammer's small-sized plate. [Read More]

Commercial Laser Cutting: Fibre Lasers vs. Gas Lasers

In commercial laser cutting, there are two main technologies: fibre laser and CO2 laser. Highlighted is a brief comparison of the performance of both technologies on several fronts. 1. Energy Efficiency Using fibre lasers for commercial laser cutting is far more energy efficient compared to CO2 lasers. A fibre laser will use 3–5 times less energy compared to a CO2 laser in the same application. This is because delivery by laser optic cable significantly reduces any unnecessary power losses. [Read More]

Benefits of Using Wooden Pallets for Long-Term Emergency Preps

If you have an emergency preparedness plan that involves long-term food storage and supplies, then you likely have a storage shed or trailer for your items. If you are adding an increasing amount of supplies to your stockpile, then you may be looking for ways to store the items easily. One of the options is to use wooden pallets. If you haven't considered wooden pallets for your long-term storage and stacked emergency prep storage, here are some benefits to consider. [Read More]